Snakes, spiders and earwigs


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Snakes, spiders and earwigs

I cautiously left work today having received a warning about a brown snake outside the building and having seen the rather alarming video of the brown snake taken by one of the IT interns. The snake looked irritated.

Taking no chances I kept an eye carefully on the footpath as I left!

There have been a number of rather alarming conversations at work lately about the various creepy crawlies and critters of Australia.

There’s been a few huntsman in the work van – don’t park it under the trees as the huntsman drop out of the trees onto it, said one colleague.

Earlier in the week a couple of people had compared notes on encountering funnel web spiders in swimming pools during their childhood in Sydney. Apparently you should not trust that a funnel web on the bottom of a swimming pool is dead, because they can actually stay alive under water for a long time and must be removed from the pool before you get in, to prevent any unwanted venomous bites!

Arriving home the earwig invasion continued. Despite the fact they are completely harmless, there is something freaky about them!