Fetherston Gardens


Trees Inside Fetherston Gardens

Fetherston Gardens in Weston Creek, Canberra

By chance I found out about Fetherston Gardens and decided to go and explore it. Autumn is a very pretty time of year to go exploring some of Canberra’s less well known parks and nature reserves. The entrance to the gardens doesn’t look all too inspiring but going up the steps is definitely worth it.

Fetherston Gardens entrance

Although the entry way is a little underwhelming, Fetherston Gardens was a delight and well worth the quick journey up the inauspicious steps. At the top of the stairs you can pick up a Fetherston Gardens leaflet with map for the gardens. The gardens have a range of meandering paths to explore and even a very peaceful Secret Garden to discover. The garden were very quiet and serence (apart from the occasional crazy squawk from a cockatoo) and brimming with wild birds. I saw lots of different Canberra birds including parrots, wrens and bower birds.

The gardens are very well looked after by a group of volunteers called the Fetherston Gardens Friends who do regular work to keep the gardens tidy and the paths clear.

At this time of year the Arboretum within the park was showcasing trees displaying a range of hues of oranges and reds. In one corner of the park you can sit in a Gazebo or discover the Secret Garden which would be great for toddlers and younger children to explore.

Fetherston Gardens Arboretum

All around the park are benches so you can have a sit and relax or enjoy a picnic lunch out!