Blue Trees in Canberra


Canberra Blue Trees

The first thing I knew about Blue Trees in Canberra was when I drove past one as I was driving along Drake-Brockman Drive in Holt. I was so curious I found a side street nearby to park up and walked back to it to have a good look up at the tree. Sure enough I hadn’t imaged it – it was a giant tree painted entirely blue. You can see this tree as you drive out along Drake Brockman Drive.

Doing some research later, I discovered that the tree in Holt is 1 of 4 Blue Trees dotted around Canberra in the ACT. They are all part of the Blue Tree Project which highlights the need to talk about mental health. The distinctive blue trees are a great conversation starter and a beautiful way of reminding us all that we should check in ourselves, our friends and neighbours and see how they really are.

What is the Blue Tree Project?

The Blue Tree Project was started after the tragic loss of Jayden Whyte to suicide in 2018.

Today the Blue Tree Project has grown into a charity whose vision is to create mentally healthy future generations. The project has grown to over 1100 trees painted blue around the world designed to stand out and get conversations sparking about mental health and highlighting the importance of checking in on yourself and others.

Where can I find the Blue Trees in Canberra?

There are 4 Blue Trees in Canberra, ACT, Australia. You may have seen the Lyons Blue Tree on Hindmarsh Drive near Woden, there’s also a tree in Coombs, one on Cooinda Drive in Bruce and one out on Drake-Brockman Drive in Holt as you head out towards the direction of the Straithnairn Arts Centre.

Why Blue Trees?

The painted blue trees are very eye catching and so make a really good conversation starter about mental health and suicide prevention.

Does painting the trees harm them or local wildlife?

No trees are harmed as any tree that is painted blue is not living. The paint is non-toxic and an ecological survey of the trees is undertaken to ensure wildlife and any nesting birds are not disturbed.

How do I find out more about the Blue Tree Project or get mental health support?

Find out more about the project, as well as resources for getting mental health support at: